Monday, December 29, 2008

How could I have missed this one?

Ok, today the Washington Post has a list of the top videos of 2008... Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is of course on the list. If you haven't yet, go see it FOR FREE on No, really... click here now and watch it. There are three episodes. Come back when you have finished watching Neil Patrick Harris with a doctorate in horribleness.

If you are so inclined, the Dr. Horrible DVD has now been released and includes not only a commentary track, but a Musical commentary track. It's quite funny, and sometimes even has to do with the video (mostly, it's just funny).

OK, while I'm mentioning videos to watch, Felicia Day (Penny in Dr. Horrible) has her own series to watch which is entertaining on its own merit. The Guild. World of Warcraft guild meets in real life (kind of... it's an odd life they lead) and comedy ensues. There are more than three episodes, and the new season is currently being released every Tuesday, when she gets the time to post.

But I'm wondering, in all my browsing, passing around of silly bits of information, and whatnot, did I ever miss this charmer? Go. See. It is wonderful. You will smile. I did.

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