Flags of the world! The Nation of Lily and the Republic of Hannah are both represented here.
This weekend at the comic shop, we found a new book
to read... Good as Lily! Not only does it have our littlest niece in the title, but it also is covered with little piggie pictures. Piggies are Lily's favorite animals! It's gotten great reviews. I'll read it this week, and get back with my own review.
HANNAHA second book we bought this weekend was
Polly and the Pirates, another graphic novel by Ted
Naifeh. This one reminds us of Hannah for several reasons; One - Pirates. duh. Two - This is the same author who penned the
Courtney Crumrin Tales which we have already introduced to Hannah. Three - It's about a seemingly sweet and innocent 13 year old who comes into her own shortly after learning that her mother was actually Meg the Pirate Queen. Hannah, we never told you before, but your mother used to be Becca the Pirate Queen. Suddenly, Peg is capable of death defying feats that rivals Jackie Chan moves. This picture of Hannah by the way is from Halloween. She is not always a Japanese pop star. At least she doesn't always dress like one.
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