Monday, December 29, 2008

Glassy Eyed

My creativity or lack there of has been looking for an outlet and sneaking out whenever it can to find something new to play with. Today I convinced my sister in law to sign up for a fused glass class with me next March. I've tried a couple of classes already.

My first class, I went to try to learn every tool and method of glass cutting that I was allowed to. I was surprised that not everyone else wanted to play with the machines, but the lack of competition for their use was of benefit. So, my first attempt was a sushi dish. Basically, a nice rectangle of glass which is inexpensive to let us try to learn from. It's certainly no work of art, but I do feel that I learned a lot that day.

The second class, I used less of the tools, but tried to make something fun and sort-of useful. It's a candle shade; to be placed in front of a candle and let the light shine through. It's a little more than a foot across, so I suppose it's for a really big candle.

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