Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mutant City Blues

There's another new RPG which was just published, that Dan got me involved in... Mutant City Blues.

The game setting is kind of a CSI meets X-Men environment. I was tempted into getting involved when they put on a who-dunnit competition. I guess it must be my competitive nature or something, but both Dan & I submitted entries.

Neither of us won, but Hey! I got Honorable Mention! (and a $30 voucher)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Remembering Pascal

We lost our sweet 16 year old Pascal last month. She has left a huge empty hole in our lives, which our other kitties have been trying hard to make up for with extra purring and snuggling. She will always be our princess, the elegant girl among the rabble rousing boys. Although I know she lead a full and loving life, every day I'm so sorry she's gone. We miss carrying her around like a baby, having her wake us up by petting our nose, seeing her cross her delicate little legs to look ladylike, and we even miss having her knock everything off the table until Dan moves off her spot on the sofa to watch TV with us.

We love our Pascal with our whole hearts and will never forget her.